Becoming a Teenage Philosopher

Philosophy is what all the cool kids do… or at least they should. Here’s how to get started as a teenager.

The Why and How of Finding Your Big Dream

This post was originally published in 2015 · Jacob M Hansen Dreams, goals, and strenuous requirements spur achievement.  As a rule of life, it is only through working towards success in those areas that you will reach (and expand) your top level of productivity, growth, and competency.  I’m a firm believer that in most situations, […]

Don’t Listen to Naysayers: the Story of Lachlan Robinette

This post was originally published in 2015 · Jacob M Hansen A few months ago I competed at the GEM State national ballroom dance competition.  My team did well, and we had a blast. But I have to share with you the story of my buddy, Lachlan.  Lachlan has been ballroom dancing for a few […]

The Myth Of An Excusable Teenagehood

Your teenagehood is priceless. It’s the perfect opportunity to set the rest of your life up for success and you can’t afford to waste it!

The Use of Emotion

Emotion is like your horse. Don’t let it run away with you!

5 Keys to Mastering the Art of Diplomacy

Deep down, other people are the only things that matter to us. The problem is, they can sometimes be downright intolerable. Here are five keys to developing the art of diplomacy.

Faith in Humanity or Faith in Yourself?

Restore your own faith in humanity and start today.

Overcoming Society’s Low Expectations

As a teenager, you have more potential than society generally gives you credit.

Independence Before Interdependence: Why You Need To Break Up With Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend

High school relationships are rarely a good idea. Here’s my take on why.

A Primer on Skipping High School for College

Turns out, you may not need to go to high school. Just skip it and go to college instead.